2018 recap

What a year!

I know you haven’t heard from me over here in a long while. But I thought I could make a little “2018 recap” for everyone who actually reads this blog.

2018 was such a looong year. I can’t say it was a good year for me but I can’t say that it was a bad year neither. It had ups and downs, a really big down but a lot of ups.

I went to the Netherlands for vacation 3 times, to Paris and had a trip along the coast of Portugal. So in total I visited 3 countries! I had a lot of amazing moments with my friends, went to concerts, made a lot of art, loved my art, stressed out about finals, passed finals, picked up my puppy, participated in Inktober and completed it, created a calendar and sold it, bought a lot of plants, opened my own Etsy shop to sell my first postcards and had a wonderful Christmas.

Visit my shop: https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/somebodysart?ref=shop_sugg